QuickDraw Fund Control Is Awarded Fourth New Development Project For Equassure, Inc.
In the past few years, QuickDraw Fund Control has handled multiple fund control projects for Equassure Residential. It’s a partnership we value with one of Southern California’s premier real estate investment entities. Recently, QuickDraw was awarded a new development project with our long term client. 21721 Moneta will be an 11-unit apartment complex being constructed in Carson.
Equassure, Inc. is a leading real estate firm that works closely with investors and lenders. They provide consulting, advisory services, expert witness, receivership services and lender services. They are known for looking at investments from every possible angle to identify risks and determine viability. These are QuickDraw’s core strengths when it comes to fund control, construction loan budget analyses and funds disbursement throughout the construction process. That’s why QuickDraw’s analytical style of business works so well with Equassure’s detailed approach.
21721 Moneta will represent the fourth construction project QuickDraw Fund Control has represented for Equassure in the past three years. This re-entitled, Multi Family Residential project features state of the art design and amenities that will result in another successful venture.
At QuickDraw Fund Control, we are excited to take on yet another major construction project in Southern California. Equassure’s sophisticated business approach and ability to create value makes us proud to continue our partnership with such a dynamic real estate firm.