5 Reasons Why Fund Control Matters
At QuickDraw Fund Control, we understand that lenders have a lot on their plate. With so many responsibilities to tend to, it is our mission to make their job easier. We do this by helping lenders navigate through the construction process. To get a better understanding of why fund control matters, we’ve compiled a list of five ways QuickDraw Fund Control makes a valuable difference.
1. Knowledge & Expertise
Most lenders aren’t construction experts, so it makes sense as to why they would want to work with a fund control company that has extensive construction experience and expertise. This specific knowledge and insight is very valuable throughout the life of the loan.
2. Protecting Your Investment
QuickDraw is there to protect the bank and the borrower. From a Cost Review to determine to sufficiency of the budget, to our in-person “Kick Off” meeting with the Borrower, we are engaged from start to finish. This reduces risk for everyone involved. QuickDraw Fund Control is essentially an insurance policy for a construction loan.
3. Maintaining a Schedule
Once a funds disbursement schedule has been determined by the Borrower, QuickDraw will make sure to respond quickly to each Draw request we receive. We process draw requests in five business days or less, which provides the capital to help keep construction progressing forward.
4. Watching the Budget
It’s nearly impossible for a project’s final costs to match the original construction budget. Unexpected challenges come up and adjustments need to be made. We have experienced contractors and a CPA on staff, which enables us to review every situation, and recommend budget adjustments that fall within the Lenders guidelines.
5. On-Site Inspections
An important part of the draw request process is performing detailed on-site inspections and reports. This documents construction progress and provides the lender documented verification of the improvements prior to funding.
At QuickDraw Fund Control, our approach is built on risk reduction and responsiveness. We protect your best interests and perform each task within a timely manner. Our owner and founder, Greg Norris, brings over 25 years of construction experience. His partner and co-owner, Tobi Nieland, is a Certified Public Accountant who has more than 25 years of experience as a CFO for building companies. Our expertise in construction loans is unmatched.
For more information about QuickDraw Fund Control or to discuss your fund control needs, contact us today.